Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pretty in Pompei

Yet another week has gone by and its getting away almost faster than I can type! The last post about last weekend involves our tour throughout Pompei.

We weren't sure what to do when the guides offered us to get paid tours or not because I can say for myself I wasn't completely sure I knew what I was getting into. Pompei is a great place and I decided that I would get the tour so I would know a little bit more about the ruins instead of just wandering the property looking at rocks.

I'm glad I did the tour! We started out the morning a little later by the time everyone got checked out of the hostel and we were finally headed down the road. Bye bye Amalfi Coast! The bus ride wound us out of Sorrento and down the road towards Naples straight to Pompei.

We met our tour guides who happened to be two Italian gentlemen filled with a wealth of knowledge about the site. It's crazy to think that all of those ruins are over 2000 years old and that they are still standing in somewhat good condition.

Antonio was our tour guide and he filled us full of information! Walking around was pretty cool just because the way they did things was so different! The rocks were a little uneasy, and for the most part we all did ok walking on it with the occasional slip! One kid in the other tour group wasn't so lucky though! He might have broke his ankle when he rolled it! The only reason I am mentioning this is because our group at with him and his two friends at dinner Friday night, then Saturday they ended up on the boat with us and sitting at the table next to us Saturday night for dinner. So we sort of knew the kid! Hope the ambulance ride wasn't too scary for him!

Anyways after our tour was over we ate a pizzeria next to the main entrance and it was delicious! Pizza from the Naples area is much different than in other parts of Italy. But that's totally fine considering that's where the Pizza was invented or created! I had a Quattro Formaggio pizza and it was a great way to start the bus ride home! I was on a full stomach and slept the whole way home! Before I knew it we were back in Roma and walking to catch the bus!

The bus system here is crazy! They are never really on time. There really isn't even a schedule you just kind of go for it, and trying to catch a bus at termini (the train station) is a little difficult when everyone else is also arriving from their weekend adventures away! But we made it and were definitely ready for a large bowl of pasta when we got back!!

Enjoy the pictures! Ciao!

Bye Sorrento!

Vesuvius in the background there!

Apparently this beach is famous...

Antonio our tour guide!

This was the original basilica area. 

Vesuvius is on the left side! This is standing in the city center! 

This is at the entrance of a fancy shopping market! It was cool to see how intricate all of the  work was and its still in good condition!

This is a person. It was interesting to hear about the process they had behind doing/creating these castings. 

Fresco paintings were found showing depth which was very unique for this time period. 

This is inside the massage therapy room! Very cool to see it all still in tact! 

Massage table doesn't look to comfy after 2000 years! 

These men are in very good condition and line the entire room! 

Walking down a one way street! 

The oven in a bakery!

The bakery area itself. 

The last step of the process for sifting flour! 

Standing by the columns in the city center! 

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