Sunday, June 12, 2011

Amalfi Coast, Friday!

We took off for Amalfi late Thursday night on the bus. It was sort of an adventure getting to the train station because nothing runs on time here. If you're confused why we went to the train station to get a bus it was because that was the most central point to meet. Our tour guides met us there to walk to the bus.

After about a 3 hour bus ride we made it to the hostel in Sorrento. It's called 7 Hostel and caters to a younger crowd as it is very modern. But was a great place to stay for the weekend! We got up around 6:45 Friday morning to start a long day of good adventures.

Breakfast at the hostel was pretty good. Giant cornettos (croissants) and some cereal! It was good to start the day off on a full stomach! Once we got rounded up we walked a ways down tons of stairs and a winding street with lots of steps! It sure is a good workout going up and down all of these stairs.

Finally we made it to the marina where we caught our ferry over to Capri. We had to change ferry's for some reason not long into our ride. Once that got all organized we were off. At first going over the waves it was like being on a roller coaster! Everyone was laughing and having a good time. The water was a little rough! It wasn't long before some people started to lose their breakfast though. Not a very fun experience for any of us that's for sure! We arrived at Capri though, thankfully without losing my breakfast.

At first we took a boat tour around the island! This ride was much better than the other one and being out on a little boat was great! Felt like I was at home, but on the ocean! Ha ha The pictures don't even begin to show how beautiful it was over there! There will be plenty of them below!!

When we got back to the island we took a bus up to Anacapri where we spent the afternoon. It was a fun little town. Immediately when we got into Anacapri the tour guides took us to the small sandal shop where they made custom sandals! Definitely a girl's dream shop! The shop also had some good touristy things including Limoncello. Capri is the capital of Limoncello! They had all different kinds and its definitely something that is an acquired taste! But tastes like a lemon drop in my mouth!

I got myself a pair of sandals and we had some time to kill after we ordered them! We decided that we would go get some lunch. We went to a cute little spot that had a deal for our tour. It was the best pizza I have had yet, at that point anyway! It was an awesome view and definitely worth it!!

We did some souvenir shopping to kill time. Once my sandals were done from this cute little man who hand makes them, we decided it was time to head down back into Capri. Little did we know what kind of a walk we were in for! The tour guides told us it was about half an hour, but then at the same time they failed to mention the fact that it was about a thousand steps down the side of a cliff! It was awesome!!

Finally we made it down from Anacapri and wandered around for a bit! Then we couldn't resist ourselves and            had to spend some time down on the beach! Caught some sun on the gravel beach! It was great! We hopped on our ferry back to the mainland! This time it definitely wasn't nearly as bad as the first ride over! When we got back we were all ready for a shower and some dinner.

The tour guides had a great little place set up for us for dinner! The menu was so big and so delicious! There were way too many choices! But I decided on the steak with green pepper sauce! It was wonderful! We also decided to order some seafood salad appetizer! It was a must to take advantage of being near the ocean even more so than we are here in Rome. The salad had calamari, shrimp, cuddlefish and seafood according to the menu! We topped it off with some lemon and devoured it!! The house wine that I had was delicious as well! Glad I finally got some good protein in me!!

After dinner we went down to a beer garden called the English Inn Garden, which was fun for a little while but we were all exhausted so we headed back to the hotel! For once Kate and I walked back and didn't get lost along the way! Finally we are getting our barrings!

When we got back to the hostel there was a birthday party going on with a DJ! It was crazy wild with people everywhere!! After our walk I wasn't quite ready for bed, and didn't want to turn on the lights because it would wake everyone in the room. By the way we stayed in a room with ten girls! What an experience that was!! Anyways, I headed up to the rooftop terrace to do some writing and get some more fresh air. While I was writing I was interrupted by a man who was feeling a little on the chatty side! Kind of interesting how people just randomly start chatting it up! Needless to say, it was off to bed shortly after that for me! Right before I headed back down to bed, a fireworks show burst out into the air! This wasn't exactly what I was expecting to see while I was in Italy! But hey, its all part of the experience!!

Enjoy the pictures!!

On the ferry  from Sorrento

Leaving Sorrento. 


Even the Carabinieri have their own boat!

Climbing onto  our boat tour. The Blue Grotto was closed because the tide was too high!

On the boat touring the island with Maura, Lexi, and Kate

Kate and I on the boat tour!  

Statue in the rocks

I will be happy for this to be my yacht!

Caves were everywhere around here! One of plenty shown here!

See Mary and Joseph up in the corner?

Two of the three famous rocks near Capri...the middle one is the home to  Lover's  Arch!

There it is!

Our boat went under it! There it is from the other side!

This is another dream house!!

It was a little windy on the boat! 

Furthest western point on the island!

Look closely and you can see the stairs we hiked down back to the marina!

At the top near Anacapri!

This view is from a garden we walked through! I forgot to mention it earlier but it was gorgeous up there!! 

Me Kate and Maura!

Making sandals!!

Break for some lunch! Me, Lexi, Alli, Maura and Kate!

Not my sandals but he was too cute!!

The view from our hike down the stairs!

Dinner with the roomies! Alli, Kate, me and Maura

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