Saturday, December 17, 2011

Scuola del Cuoio

One of the travelers books that I read suggested that if I didn't want to go in the church where Galileo and Michaelangelo are buried, I should walk around back and check out the leather school! I'm so glad that I took the time to go check it out.

This post is more just about pictures than the writing part! One thing I learned about myself in Firenze is that no matter where I am in the world I can always find a leather shop to sooth my home-sickness. Fresh leather smells amazing! They were all over the place in Firenze!!

Enjoy these pictures!

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Walking into the school! 

The hydrangeas were beautiful! 

View from the stairs behind the school! 

Some of the leather work done at the school! 

Some of the older tools!

In Italian!

Behind the school!

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